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Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Be Ready Hawaii Emergency Preparedness Store

Be Ready Hawaii

Unbelieveable! For the first time in history Hawaii gets it's very own emergency preparedness store. By now you'd think Hawaii would have done something like this a long time ago, but nope that's how slow the state of Hawaii is. All the while residents would have to rely on what's out here in what ever stores we have on any given day such as Costco's, Sam's, and every other store that just may happen to carry emergency preparedness items which is more like slim to none. If anyone would want a host of preparedness items it would have to be ordered and shipped over at the price of an arm and a leg and your first born. Or a lot of disaster preapredness companies just don't ship to Hawaii period.
Keep in mind, that this is the ONLY disaster preparedness store in town. I have not visited it yet but eventually I'll go and check it out.
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