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Wednesday, April 7, 2010

2010 Hawaii Tax Day Tea Party

The government has gotten bloated at our expense and as they continue to misrepresent us and repeatedly refuse to hear our voices they keep raising taxes to fatten their wallets, ways and power.  It is up to we the people to voice our concerns and raise some issues towards the government and to let them know that they shall be held accountable.  By attending this protest rally you are making your voice heard and making a difference.  Strength is in numbers so tell all to attend.  It is our right as law abiding citizens to voice our opinions especially when it comes to our livelyhoods.  Let them know that their days are numbered in office and we shall not forget come November!  As a reminder our politicians and legislators are preparing to tax the living daylights out of every single citizen in Hawaii in the months and years ahead, in knowing this do make it a point to attend this important rally.  I will see you all there April 15th 2010!
Click here for more info!


Gen-IL Homesteader said...

Great idea letting everyone know about this! Hope it goes great!

Aloha2U said...

Yup, I sure hope a great majority of taxpayers do show up because we all need to keep up the fight here.

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