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Thursday, October 7, 2010

Prepping For Your Health

Most of us take for granted our health and well being until we are faced with an illness that leads to setbacks and in this case it happened to be me, myself and I.  Time waits for no one and nothing, so if you're down and out with the cold or flu or any type of debilitating illness that hampers your daily living and chores it's a setback.  Preparing for any onset of illnesses is quite tricky, for myself it happens to be allergies.  As a child I was plagued by allergic reactions to certain things as well as having asthma and eczema but as I grew older I had outgrown most of these ailments or least I thought I did. Until three months ago when something triggered it back once again in my life ugh!

Every aspect of preparing was pretty much covered what was not expected was the "unknown" element of my allergic reaction.  To this day I still do not know what triggered it and neither do the doctors. Being one to not really go to the doctors unless it's an emergency, I prefer on handling my sicknesses on my own from my own kitchen pantry or medicine cabinet of homepathy remedies.  Besides, this way is more practical for me and it also prepares me for when there will be no doctor on the horizon when SHTF.  I keep a well stocked pantry of every kind of herb and spice not only for cooking but for medicinal uses as well to use internally and externally along with a book or list of it's uses and conditions that it helps alleviate.  Here's some information regarding Tumeric.  Along the lines of herbs and spices I also made it a point to research in depth Anti-inflammatory foods which is good to know so that you may stock up and prepare on these items as well.

Tea's are another item to always have on hand you can have it hot or cold and you can always recycle the tea bags by putting them in your compost.  You can also use the tea bags for your eyes to help lessen any swelling.  Tea's are not only good for you but they also carry multiple health benefits within them.  I have a pretty stocked pantry of a variety of tea's loose and in tea bag form.  Green tea, is an excellent all around beneficial health tea for the immune system as a whole.  Chinese medicinal teas are another beneficial source to have on hand in bulk if possible, Chinese herbs are used to clear away toxins.  I've been drinking the detox cleansing and revitalizing tea by Triple Leaf Tea for quite some time now and found that it has helped my condition significantly especially when it comes to recharging and revitalizing your immune system.  Being sick and out of commission for a long time really made me aware of the things that I really needed to concentrate on moreso than ever when it came to preparing and that is my health.  I would really hate to be in a crossfire struggling with an allergic reaction and someone or group of thugs trying to break in and take your emergency supplies, I really don't need that extra burden physically.  So, at all costs I must avoid getting sick as much as possible and fortifying my immune system and overall health by preparing and staying as healthy as possible and always trying my best to keep on top of things.  Here's a few more helpful links.

Earth Clinic
Health & Wellness
Annies Remedy
Disease fighting spices
Guide to herbs and spices

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Gen-IL Homesteader said...

How frustrating that the cause of your reaction could not be figured out!! It would be nice to know what it was so you would know what to avoid in the future!!!

Aloha2U said...

Indeed it is frustrating to say the least. Although, I could be allergic to work lol. The air conditioner has been out for the past couple of months and the heat REALLY aggrevated my skin which made matters worse for me.

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