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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Hawaii Veteran's Letter To Obama

This WWII veteran says it all in a nut shell and then some in his Letter to Obama.  People have a nasty tendency to forget about the past and where we have come from, but I'll tell you what our veteran's know way to better because they were the ones on the front line fighting for our freedom.  If it was not for them our country would not be a free one and everyone better thank their lucky stars that America remains that way!


Gen-IL Homesteader said...

WOW!!! Good for him! I hope Obama actually has the chance and takes the time to read that!

Aloha2U said...

I hope he reads it too. This letter is supposedly going around the internet and was said to have gone to congress.org but yes this veteran does live here and he was the one who wrote the letter.

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